Friday, May 26, 2017

Gulirmak sunprotection, sunblock and sunscreen

I have some oily skin here and dry skin there, I have to be very careful while getting the right product for me. heard that gulirmak sunscreen products are herbal based, so I decided to purchase the sunscreen with SPF 30 to allow maximum protection.

gulirmak sun protection with 30 spf
This product contain PARSOL and soft pink plum extract for protection against UVA
protection. is a must if you don’t want to have red spots on your face or burns, not to mention the danger of skin cancer when you’re so exposed to the sun rays all day long. This sunscreen favorite because it protects my face against the sun and it’s the most comfortable sunblock I’ve tried. There are the things i want in it that i did look for in sunscreen and the most important one is that doesn’t leave me with a oily skin, white and pale face. There’s a ton of brands there but some has limited protection and some pricy

    it’s super comfortable under the makeup, you don’t have to worry at all about oily skin
    product is not pricy, it cost me about 10 dollar big bottle that last 2 months or more. It rubs amazingly on your skin, and it absorbs really fast so you don’t have to wait much for it to dry in minute. you can put on your makeup and dont have to wait and it doesn’t clogs your pores at all, which it’s always what we need in middle east.

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